Whether it is in inspecting assets or maintaining public safety, the solutions available today for countering rogue aerial robots come with certain limitations. For instance, if an equipment failure is noticed, a team of technicians will have to be sent on site for review. The entire process is not only time-consuming but also expensive and worse, it puts the security of assets or public (whatever the technology is deployed for) at grave stake.
The precarious situation within the air space definitely calls for a solution that is timely, affordable and accurate. One of the approaches that we, at Bharat Aero, have adopted is real-time simulation. We test how aerial robots react when exposed to certain electromagnetic waves. Based on the result, we suggest necessary solutions to the OEMs for developing a technology that is robust enough to tackle any problems associated with unregistered aerial robots. Since all loopholes are fixed during the course of our research, organisations looking forward to utilising the counter-solution will not have to place any new demands going forward.
Along the similar lines of our work at Bharat Aero are companies that have been making use of aerial robots with video streaming capabilities, as a part of their measures for enhanced assets security. A major advantage of such solutions is the fact that they can be used anywhere (rough or smooth terrains). With this, real-time inspection of critical assets can be carried out and in addition to this, any possible intrusions can be detected easily. Moreover, if5G is launched in India anytime soon, such technology can possibly be further augmented and autonomized.
Aerial robots are here to stay and in fact, with time, their roles in every aspect of the society will be more pronounced than ever. Therefore, as a research company, we strive to protect the skies and keep the risks posed by unauthorised aerial robots at bay.