Open source software has been adopted by most companies across various organisations owing to the fact that it is free and can be customised as per the organisational needs. However, as much as these companies have embraced open source software, there are many others opting for traditional close-source, which serves as a far better business choice at times.
The fact that open source software comes with no warranty, licensing or other official guarantee makes it risky to be used in a business environment where compliance is mandatory. It is for this reason that Bharat Aero had recently applied for a patent on selective jamming of drones. The research and studies that we perform cater to various companies across critical infrastructure sector and therefore, the patent covers our idea of devising an integrated solution to counter potential risks to critical assets all the while ensuring that no other parties can exploit the software we have researched on, without mutually agreeing to our terms.
Secondly, security is a sensitive issue when the sector in question is relatively more vulnerable. With almost everyone having an access to it, open source software can be easily misused if fallen in wrong hands. For a company that conducts research on the potential of EMW Analytics in neutralising unregistered drones, it has become vital for us that the research we are conducting makes for an effective solution to counter the evolving risks without compromising the security of the organisations we are catering to at any cost.
Our experienced team of experts constantly works on finding solutions to detecting and neutralising UAVs by harnessing electromagnetic waves. The research is done in a real-time like setting through the process of simulation and prototyping. We seek to ensure assets protection and security of organisations in critical infrastructure against day-to-day evolving risks. Based on our studies, we pave the path for our OEM partners in developing software as per various organisational goals.